Michael’s Story
“Launchpad has helped me to get my identity back, something which I felt I had lost along the way. I feel more hopeful about the future. Launchpad has given me a place to get the right help at a time when I need it most, and to help build a support network for any ongoing issues I may face. The help from Launchpad has been second to none.”
For as long as Michael can remember, he wanted to join the Army. His grandad served in the Army and he wanted to follow in his footsteps.
He joined in 2007 and served 9 years in the Royal Signals. In 2009, during a tour of Afghanistan, he was in Babaji and sadly lost a colleague in an IED strike. This was a particularly difficult time for him and as a result, Michael suffers from PTSD.
After nine year’s service, he decided to leave and secured work in engineering, working on power sub-stations – a job he enjoyed for ten years.
Michael previously stayed at Launchpad some years ago, however, at the time, he was not ready to fully address some of the issues he needed support with.
Michael found things difficult after his relationship broke down, he lost his job and was at an extremely low point in his life. Five weeks prior to moving into Avondale House, he was suicidal and had been sectioned due to an attempt to take his own life. He needed our support and came to us with several issues.
He said: “I was rock bottom, and I desperately needed help. I was homeless at the time and although I had started to address some of my issues, I needed more help from Launchpad to get me back on track.”
Michael had an alcohol addiction for which he wanted support to continue to abstain. He suffered from anxiety and anger issues, a lack of motivation, many debts and suffered from stomach problems, mainly aggravated by his alcohol consumption.
He has three children and maintaining contact with them was difficult due to the issues he was facing. He moved into Avondale House in December 2023 and was allocated a flat. A space he could call home which provided him with some stability – a base from which he could engage and access support services.
He began working with alcohol-related support services and having stable accommodation enabled him to continue to attend his appointments and groups, all of which he engaged well with. The daily challenges are still ongoing however, Michael’s confidence in his ability to work on those challenges is growing.
He began working with mental health support services, which consisted of a 12-week programme to address mental health and anxiety issues, which Michael has now completed. He has been referred to Veterans at Ease for psychotherapy service.
He has engaged in several activities including boxing, gardening and go-karting and he attended a week-long residential at Battle Back, provided to Launchpad staff and residents courtesy of the Royal British Legion.
The activities, and the social aspect, coupled with the mental health support, Michael said his life has improved massively. He commented: “Being involved in the activities and Battle Back has given me a chance to get together with other residents so that we can help each other out, both physically and mentally.”
Michael has been referred to the Money Matters service, provided by Newcastle City Council, to help address and manage his debt issues and this is ongoing. He is in contact with social services regarding his children and is working hard to re-establish contact.
He has completed a training course in rail engineering which was delivered by one of our partners, RMF Group. The company is a construction and rail engineering training provider and he has currently doing a further 3-4 week course with RMF to train and qualify as an A73 Plant and Vehicle Marshall. Once he has completed his course, he will be starting an offshore wind course, which he has signed up to.
Michael aspires to go back to work full-time in the near future and will have the qualifications he needs to secure a full-time job. When he is ready, Launchpad will support him to move on into his own home and live independently within the community.
He said: “If I hadn’t come to Launchpad, I would have ended up dead. I’m now working towards getting full-time employment, a home of my own, and I aim to re-establish contact with my kids again. I have things to look forward to.”