Up to seven residents from Speke House got all creative this week by decorating Christmas baubles as part of their weekly arts and crafts session.

Staff at Speke House provided the materials such as baubles, glitter, glue, ribbon and feathers for them to use and decorate.

When they finished, they hung them on the memory tree in the back garden of the house to pay their respects and remember their loved ones who are no longer with us.

Natalie Scully, Assistant Manager (Projects) at Speke House, said:

“Our arts and crafts sessions are always popular with residents as it gives them time to be creative and it helps them with their mental health and wellbeing.


“The memory tree is a real Christmas tree that has been planted for any residents wishing to hang a memory bauble on the tree. It’s a place for them to reflect and take time to remember their loved ones.”

Speke House resident Lee, who decorated his bauble and hung it on the tree in memory of his nan, said:

“I really enjoyed making the bauble to put on the memory tree, it was the anniversary of my nans passing on that day also and it gave me time to reflect and remember all the special times I had with my nan bringing back lots of happy memories.”
